Thursday 20 April 2017

Review: Perfect Chemistry

Perfect Chemistry Perfect Chemistry by Aria Cole
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Perfect Chemistry was an extremely quick read, one that is okay to pass a short time period. Although it was a decent enough read to keep me entertained for a while, it didn’t quite deliver all that I had expected it to.

I’ll be completely honest by saying a large part of my issue is that I’m very particular about the student teacher romances I read. I’m extremely picky with this kind of story, and for me this one was lacking the vital aspects that make such stories appealing to me. It was a simple case of love at first sight, they found each other attractive, and things went from there. I expected a lot of depth, I expected some major events to pull them close together, yet such wasn’t quite what happened. The synopsis promised some dire event, but things seemed to move very slowly for me. There was never quite that heart pounding moment that I had hoped for.

I’m sure a lot of people will enjoy this one, but it really wasn’t for me. It was okay, it passed the time, but it lacked the depth I had hoped for. Perhaps if the story had been longer, if more had happened, I would have enjoyed it more – after all, there was potential here. It just wasn’t for me, sadly.

Still, it was okay to pass the time.

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