Friday 16 February 2018

Review: Tattletale

Tattletale Tattletale by Sarah J. Naughton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tattletale is one of those books that took me a while to get into, but it slowly sucked me in – before I knew what was happening, I was lost to the story, and I do not regret it at all.

At first, I thought this story would be a rather straightforward one, one where I had everything figured out once I had all the key players in line in my mind. I was a bit confused about some of the details, but I was pretty sure I had everything all worked out.

I was wrong.

This book was more complex than I had originally anticipated, there was much more to this one than I’d originally thought. There were layers within layers, the answer to the mystery buried under layers of deceit. It surprised me, in the best way possible, and I loved it.

The story went from a simple whodunit and transformed into a multi-layered tale of revenge. I soon forgot about my uncertainty at the start, soon found myself loving the way everything came together. Because damn, it really came together.

Without a doubt, this one surprised me.

View all my reviews

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